Courier Service Agreement
The courier service agreement serves as the agreement between the courier libraries and the Vermont Department of Libraries (VTLIB). Every library on the courier system needs to sign this form to be able to participate in the courier system. The form is updated and signed annually, please use the button below to view and provide your electronic signature.

Courier Statistics Reporting
Every library that participates in the courier system is required to provide monthly statistics on interlibrary loan activity. Statistics are due by the 15th of the following month. Please use this form to submit your monthly statistics.

Courier Issue Reporting
Please use this form to report any issues with courier deliveries (missed stops, billing errors, lost items, etc.). Issues should be reported as soon as possible after they occur.

Please use this form to provide any updated contact information, hours, and services your library provides. The Library Directory serves as a way for members of the public to locate information about Vermont Libraries.